
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Graffiti Creator 2 | Graffiti Creator Walls

Graffiti Creator 2 | Graffiti Creator Walls. Create graffiti alphabet letters on the wall

Graffiti Creator 2 | Graffiti Creator Walls

Graffiti Creator 2 | Graffiti Creator Walls. Create graffiti alphabet letters on the wall

History of Alphabet | Graffiti Alphabet Letters

Graffiti Alphabet Letters
History of Alphabet | Graffiti Alphabet Letters. Graffiti alphabet letters with a hand symbol

History and graffiti style alphabet letters AZ began in ancient Egypt. By 2700 BCE Egyptian writing had a set of some 22 hieroglyphs to represent syllables that begin with a single consonant of their language, plus a vowel (or no vowel) to be given by native speakers. This glyph is used as a guide for pronunciation logograms, to write grammatical inflections, and, later, to write down loan words and foreign names.

However, although it seems alphabet in nature, the original Egyptian uniliterals not a system and never used by themselves to encode Egyptian speech. In the Middle Bronze Age apparently "alphabetic" system known as Proto-Sinaitic script is estimated by some to have been developed in central Egypt around 1700 BCE for or by Semitic workers, but only one of the early writings have been described and their properties remains open to interpretation. Based on appearances and names the letter, believed to be based on Egyptian hieroglyphs.

This script eventually developed into the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, which in turn was refined into the Phoenician alphabet. This also developed into the South Arabian alphabet, from which the Ge'ez alphabet (a abugida) are descended. Note that the script mentioned above is not considered feasible alphabet, because they all lack characters representing vowels. Vowelless alphabet is called abjads early, and still in scripts such as Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac.

Phoenix is the first major phonemic script. In contrast to the two writing systems are used extensively at the time, Cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs, each containing thousands of different characters, it is only about two dozen distinct letters, so the script is simple enough for common traders to learn. Another advantage is that the Phoenix can be used to write many languages, because words are phonemically recorded.

This manuscript is spread by Phoenician, which allows Thalassocracy script to be spread throughout the Mediterranean. In Greece, the script is modified to add the vowels, giving rise to the first true alphabet. Greece took the letters do not represent the voices that are in Greek, and change them to represent vowels. This marked the formation of a "true" alphabet, with the presence of two vowels and consonants as explicit symbols in a script. In the early years, there are many variants of the Greek alphabet, a situation that causes many different alphabets evolved.

History of Alphabet | Graffiti Alphabet Letters

Graffiti Alphabet Letters
History of Alphabet | Graffiti Alphabet Letters. Graffiti alphabet letters with a hand symbol

History and graffiti style alphabet letters AZ began in ancient Egypt. By 2700 BCE Egyptian writing had a set of some 22 hieroglyphs to represent syllables that begin with a single consonant of their language, plus a vowel (or no vowel) to be given by native speakers. This glyph is used as a guide for pronunciation logograms, to write grammatical inflections, and, later, to write down loan words and foreign names.

However, although it seems alphabet in nature, the original Egyptian uniliterals not a system and never used by themselves to encode Egyptian speech. In the Middle Bronze Age apparently "alphabetic" system known as Proto-Sinaitic script is estimated by some to have been developed in central Egypt around 1700 BCE for or by Semitic workers, but only one of the early writings have been described and their properties remains open to interpretation. Based on appearances and names the letter, believed to be based on Egyptian hieroglyphs.

This script eventually developed into the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, which in turn was refined into the Phoenician alphabet. This also developed into the South Arabian alphabet, from which the Ge'ez alphabet (a abugida) are descended. Note that the script mentioned above is not considered feasible alphabet, because they all lack characters representing vowels. Vowelless alphabet is called abjads early, and still in scripts such as Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac.

Phoenix is the first major phonemic script. In contrast to the two writing systems are used extensively at the time, Cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs, each containing thousands of different characters, it is only about two dozen distinct letters, so the script is simple enough for common traders to learn. Another advantage is that the Phoenix can be used to write many languages, because words are phonemically recorded.

This manuscript is spread by Phoenician, which allows Thalassocracy script to be spread throughout the Mediterranean. In Greece, the script is modified to add the vowels, giving rise to the first true alphabet. Greece took the letters do not represent the voices that are in Greek, and change them to represent vowels. This marked the formation of a "true" alphabet, with the presence of two vowels and consonants as explicit symbols in a script. In the early years, there are many variants of the Greek alphabet, a situation that causes many different alphabets evolved.

Graffiti Stack: Graffiti Street Art

Graffiti Stack: Graffiti Street Art Full Color

Graffiti Stack: Graffiti Street Art

Graffiti Stack: Graffiti Street Art Full Color

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cool Graffiti Style Alphabets | Graffiti Fonts

Cool Graffiti Style Alphabets | Graffiti Fonts Black and White Design. Graffiti Alphabet Letters A-Z

Cool Graffiti Style Alphabets | Graffiti Fonts

Cool Graffiti Style Alphabets | Graffiti Fonts Black and White Design. Graffiti Alphabet Letters A-Z

Creator Makes Graffiti Alphabet Letters On The Wall

graffiti creator
Creator Makes Graffiti Alphabet Letters On The Wall: Graffiti Street Art

Creator Makes Graffiti Alphabet Letters On The Wall

graffiti creator
Creator Makes Graffiti Alphabet Letters On The Wall: Graffiti Street Art

Alphabet Graffiti Style Letters A-Z Of Stone

Alphabet Graffiti Style Letters A-Z Of Stone. Unique graffiti fonts. Samples cool graffiti alphabets

Alphabet Graffiti Style Letters A-Z Of Stone

Alphabet Graffiti Style Letters A-Z Of Stone. Unique graffiti fonts. Samples cool graffiti alphabets

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Graffiti Creator | Graffiti Playdo | Graffiti Artist

Graffiti Creator | Graffiti Playdo | Graffiti Artist | Graffiti Alphabet Symbol

Design Drawings Of All Styles In The World Of Graffiti

101 Designs In The World's Best Graffiti. Design Drawings Of All Styles In The World Of Graffiti

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Design A-Z Graffiti Alphabet Letters in the Paper Skull

graffiti alphabet letters
Graffiti Fonts - Design A-Z Graffiti Alphabet Letters in the Paper Skull. Cool alphabet graffiti design

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Imam Ali berkata,: Suatu hari, aku dan Fatimah melihat Nabi sedang menangis tersedu-sedu.
Lalu kami bertanya:"Ya Rasulullah, apa yang membuatmu menangis seperti ini"
Rasulullah menjawab:"Di malam Mi'raj,aku melihat sekelompok wanita dari umatku dalam keadaan tersiksa dengan siksaan yang pedih hingga membuatku menangis.

Saya melihat perempuan dalam keadaan rambutnya tergantung dan otaknya mendidih. Ada perempuan yang lidahnya terjulur dan disiram dengan air neraka yang panas.
Dan sebagian lagi memakan dagingya sendiri, di bawah badan mereka ada api yang menyala, dan sebagian lagi kaki dan tangan dalam keadaan terikat,sedangkan ular dan kalajengking mengelilinginya,
Dan wanita yang lainnya dalam keadaan tuli dan bisu dan dia ditaruh dalam peti yang penuh dengan api yang menyala.Otaknya keluar dari hidungnya dan badannya robek-robek sampai terpisah dari tulangnya.Dan banyak lagi siksaan-siksaan yang aku lihat di sana."

Lalu Fatimah bertanya,"Ya Rasulullah, mengapa mereka di siksa oleh Allah SWT sedangkan mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang beriman" Rasulullah menjawab: "Wahai anakku, wanita yang digantung rambutnya, adalah wanita yang tidak memakai hijab / Jilbab, wanita yang lidahnya terjulur adalah wanita yang menyakiti suaminya, wanita yang susunya di gantung adalah wanita yang tidak mau tidur dengan suaminya, wanita yang kakinya di gantung adalah wanita yang keluar dari rumah tampa seizin suaminya,
Wanita yang memakan dagingnya sendiri adalah wanita yang merias dirinya untuk orang lain ,wanita yang kakinya diikat dan di kelilingi ular dan kalajengking adalah wanita yang sholat dengan pakaian najis serta tidak mandi setelah haid atau bersenggama,wanita yang tuli dan bisu adalah wanita yang berbuat zina dan anak-anaknya di serahkan pada suaminya,
wanita yang menggunting badannya sendiri adalah wanita yang membanggakan diri sendiri pada orang lain,wanita yang badannya dan mukanya terbakar dan dia memakan ususnya serta semua isi perutnya adalah wanita yang menyuruh orang lain berbuat zina,wanita yang kepalanya kepala babi dan badannya badan keledai adalah wanita yang suka berbohong dan mengadu domba, dan wanita yang bermuka anjing dan api masuk dari belakang dan keluar dari mulutnya adalah wanita yang suka bernyanyi".

Suatu hari Aisyah datang menghadap Nabi dan bertanya:"Ya rasulullah ,siapa yang paling berhak terhadap seorang perempuan?" Nabi menjawab:" Suaminya", Aisyah bertanya: "siapa yang paling berhak terhadap seorang laki-laki" Nabi menjawab:"Ibunya"..

Dalam suatu riwayat Muadz bin Jabal datang dari syam lalu dia sujud dihadapan rasulullah. Rasulullah bertanya:"Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan". Muadz menjawab:" Ini adalah adat buat kami, apabila seorang pemimpin datang, kami harus bersujud kepada pemimpin tersebut, dan akupun ingin bersujud padamu ya Rasulullah". Lalu Rasulullah bersabda:"Janganlah kalian bersujud terhadap sesama manusia. Dan seandainya sujud terhadap manusia itu di perbolehkan, maka aku akan memerintahkan perempuan untuk sujud pada suaminya. Dan aku bersumpah atas nama Allah tidak ada perempuan yang mengerjakan hak Allah kecuali dia mengerjakan hak-hak suaminya".

Demikian pula Rasulullah Shalallahu’alaihi Wassallam pernah menangis ketika menyaksikan salah satunya cucunya yang nafasnya sudah mulai terputus-putus dan ketika putra beliau Ibrahim meninggal, air mata beliau menetes karena belas kasih beliau kepadanya. Beliau Shalallahu’alaihi Wassallam menangis ketika meninggalnya Ustman bin Madh’un, beliau menangis ketika terjadi gerhana matahari lantas beliau shalat gerhana dan beliau nienangis dalam shalatnya, kadang pula beliau menangis di saat menunaikan shalat malam.

Kerisauan Rasullah kepada kita ummatnya tidak terbatas ruang dan waktu, Beliau sangat mengkhawatirkan kita umatnya hingga dalam sholatnya pun kaki beliau bengkak hanya untuk mendoa'akan bagaimana seluruh manusia bisa selamat

Jazakumullah ila ikhwani...

Graphic Graffiti Art - Graffiti Alphabet Letters

3D Graphic Graffiti Art - Graffiti Alphabet Letters

3D Graphics Graffiti Alphabet Letters

3D Graphics Graffiti Alphabet Letters. Cool alphabet graffiti design

Graffiti how to make 3D graphics? Able to use software such as Photoshop and Coreldraw, install and create graffiti alphabet according to your own character.

Graphic Graffiti Alphabet Letters

Graffiti alphabet graphics. Digital graffiti alphabet letters